The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) represents an initiative by the federal government to dismantle financial obstacles hindering access to oral health care. This program is designed to extend coverage for dental expenses to Canadian residents lacking dental benefits, with household incomes below $90,000 annually.

It is not free dental care; it covers a part of the cost of your care.

  • Those over 70 years old, may have received a letter in March 2024 with instructions on how to apply.
  • If you are between 65 and 69, you can now apply online.

Patients may have to pay the portion of the costs not covered and if your household income is above $70,000, the government requires a co-pay of 40-60%.

If you’ve already received your benefits card, call us to book your appointment. We encourage you to explore additional resources in the link below.


Visit the government website to apply:

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